8 Best Backup Plug-Ins for Word Press

Modern technological trends indicate that lots of information needs to be shared out. This is in regard to the products you offer as well as the impact of the products on the target clientele. With this information and the response from the recipient, it is important to preserve all this for new and incoming Brisbane visitors and clients. It is for this reason that backup plug-ins for WordPress are important. Here is a list of the top most backup solutions that you should consider.

  1. BackUpBuddy

This provides an essential backup for your database. Its main advantage is that it gives you the option to choose the files that you do not need to keep in your backup system and ensures that you have the ability to manage your storage space. It also includes some basic features that includes the capacity to select how often you will have your data automatically saved. Other features that are included in the program include capacity detect malware, regular scans and text replacement tools which are ideal for web developers. Furthermore, it comes with a 1GB storage capacity that can be extended with the purchase of more storage.

  1. Myrepono

This is a backup program that is easy and quick to install. It allows for easy WordPress management and backup options from its dashboard. Its main feature is its ability to restore your applications as well as encryption capabilities. It also comes with compression capabilities and the option to save on space and storage of more data. It offers restore options even in instances when access to the WordPress dashboard is not available, giving a guarantee that irrespective of the prevailing situation, any amount of data can be recovered effectively. This automated system gives you the option to choose when the data available can be saved as well as restoration options. Technical support is available at any time of need to ensure that the services are enjoyed accordingly.

  1. Vaultpress

A creation of WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg, it’s an ideal backup package that works wonders. It offers automated services and cloud backup solutions. One of its main advantages is the fact that it has the capacity to restore your data with a click of a button. In some instances, the package also includes regular scans ensuring that your data is kept safe from external attacks. The only setback in using this solution is that it comes with a recurring cost where WordPress is run on multiple platforms.

  1. BackWPup

This is a free plug-in that is available for WordPress users. In using this solution, you get an opportunity to save your files in Amazon, emails, FTP or any other chosen platform. This free application is easy to master and comes with automated backup options to choose alongside others. Using this feature, you get the opportunity to select how often your data is stored on the selected media. This also comes with ease in the restoration of files to ensure you gain access to the data at any time of need.

  1. Backupwordpress

This is a complete backup plug-in available for WordPress users. It comes with automated scheduling of the backup times where you get the option to choose different timings for different files and folders. This is available in both free and bought versions. The free version is limited in some of the capabilities, including the inability to save documents in a cloud storage. This option can be accessed through the purchase of the premium version that has better options. Custom packages of the plug-in are available enabling you to choose the options that best fit to your system.

  1. Updraftplus

This is a WordPress backup plug-in that allows for storage of documents and other files in a different location of your choice. This may include making downloads to your computer and saving on cloud storage among other options. Just like most of other available plug-ins, it allows for scheduling of the backups, hence choosing how regular the process is undertaken automatically. This is available in standard and premium options where the latter comes with additional features, making its usage much better. The only limitation in using this application is the fact that it comes with a cluttered user interface which makes it difficult for first-time users to navigate and locate various options. Despite this, it is among the highest ranking WordPress backup solutions.

  1. Duplicator

As the name suggest, this backup plug-in creates a backup for files in WordPress. This is through to other WordPress applications or chosen storage locations. However, unlike most of the available options, this one lacks in automation so the backup process will have to be undertaken manually. For this reason, it is not ideal for use on a WordPress site that receives regular updates as it means the process will require regular backup storage matching in the same regard.

  1. WP-DB-Backup

This is the most embraced backup plug-in for WordPress files. It is easy to set up automatic backup schedules to always ensure that your files are stored conveniently. It also comes with easy to use restoration features that always ensure that you have access to your data at any time of need. The biggest limitation in the use of this plug-in is the fact that it only supports automated storage for WordPress database only so all the other file types need to be stored manually.

Each of the available backup options for WordPress has its own benefits and limitations. However, there are some that have better performance and are more ideal to use. These include VaultPro, whose backup features are set to automatically save only the updated information. This makes the process simple and much better as it is undertaken immediately after the updates are done. Backupbuddy is also ideal for use in small and medium size websites. It has an ideal cost as well as its own cloud storage.